Google’s Helpful Content Update

Experts cited the recent Helpful Content Update as Google’s biggest update for over a decade since the original Panda update in early 2011. Is this new update their biggest panda yet?

Tuesday September 13th
3pm Eastern time.

Webinar Details

We put together a webinar with our experts that begins explore what this update means and what you can do about it. What lessons can we learn about content marketing and SEO strategies?

This webinar will help you to understand the implications of the massive change Google just made with its Helpful Content update.

  • How can you create content that won’t get dinged by Google?
  • What to do if you were hit by Google? What if you are hit but weren’t doing anything bad?
  • Creating “helpful content”.
  • How to communicate with your management team about what these changes mean to your business.
  • Getting ahead of the curve; what’s next in SEO and content management?

Learn from the experts…

There’s always an inherent anxiety around any Google core updates, and a feeling that Google moved the goalposts! This update is bound to create a devastating effect for some businesses. Other businesses might even get a nice boost from it.

Learn from four content and SEO experts about how Google’s update affects content marketers everywhere.

Join us at a special webinar where we share all you need to know about the recent Google Helpful Content Update. What can – and should – you do to future proof yourself and your SEO and content strategy? 

Register now and secure your place because there are limited spaces!


Webinar Registration: Google's Helpful Content Update

  • Tuesday September 13th
    3pm Eastern time.

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Webinar Presenters

Dave Snyder

Dave Snyder

Founder and CEO, CopyPress

Dave is a quality content marketing expert and grew CopyPress into one of the world’s leading content marketing companies for businesses and agencies.

He will share with us insights into why Google’s update happened and how companies can create quality, “helpful content”.

Brian Chappell

Brian Chappell

Adapt Marketing

Brian’s team build campaigns that lift search rankings. His company helps scale customer’s keyword strategies with search engines.

Brian is a knowledgeable technical SEO expert and will speak about how organic search can stay as a profitable customer acquisition channel for companies.

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera

Hive Digital

Jeremy provides in-depth technical SEO insights and consulting.

He is an SEO consultant for Hive Digital, and founded of